Circular 7/24 Nominate VSF initiatives for 2025

The Veteran Support Fund (VSF) enables sub-Branches to make targeted contributions to initiatives that align with our charitable purpose, to support veterans and their families.

If your sub-Branch wishes to nominate initiatives for inclusion in the VSF for 2025, please complete the Funding Proposal Application Form and submit it to your respective District President, who will subsequently submit all nominations to the District Presidents’ Council (DPC) for review.

Information regarding 2024 VSF initiatives will be provided to members as soon as details have been finalised by the DPC.

How to nominate a charitable initiative: 

The VSF Funding Proposal Application Form can be found in the Resource Centre of the sub-Branch Portal at SOPs and Policies > Forms > Funding Proposal Form.

Sub-Branches are encouraged to provide detailed information in their nomination about the initiative deliverables and attach documentation (correspondence, presentations, reports, etc.) to support their submission, and assist the DPC in their review.

The form must be completed and submitted, along with any supporting documentation, to your District President by 31 March 2024 to be considered for the 2025 calendar year. All VSF initiatives for 2025 will be confirmed by the DPC on 1 August 2024.

Proposals for the VSF can be submitted to your District President at any time during the year – any submissions made after 31 March will be considered for inclusion by the DPC in the following year’s VSF targets. For example, submissions made after 31 March 2024, will be considered for inclusion in the VSF for 2026.

Please visit the SOP1 page on the RSL NSW website and the sub-Branch Portal to find resources and answers to frequently asked questions.