Circular 59/23 Advocacy accreditation for RSL NSW sub-Branch advocates

The Veterans’ Indemnity and Training Association Inc. (VITA) provides access to professional indemnity insurance for organisations that provide advice and advocacy services to current and former serving members of the ADF about government pensions, community support services, and benefits.

VITA insurance is paid by RSL Australia and covers all RSL-endorsed, DVA/ATDP-trained, and accredited wellbeing and compensation advocates. VITA also covers basic insurance, such as for incidents occurring during client meetings, travel to and from training, and client visits.

It is imperative that all advocates operating at RSL NSW sub-Branches are recognised by ATDP to protect RSL Australia, RSL NSW State Branch and sub-Branches in the event that an advocate provides incorrect or inappropriate advice during discussions with, or acting on behalf of a client, resulting in financial loss.

People who provide advice without accreditation may be personally liable for any financial loss that is connected to their advice.

To comply with the terms and conditions within the insurance policy, RSL NSW sub-Branches must provide a Letter of Authority to each advocate to act on behalf of a client. If an advocate does not have a Letter of Authority, they CANNOT provide advocacy services on behalf of a sub-Branch.

For RSL NSW records, could you please confirm by return email on or before 1 November:

– Whether there are any advocates servicing your sub-Branch

– The name, contact details and ATDP qualification/s held by the advocate/s and their statement/s of attainment

– A copy of the Letter of Authority provided to the named advocate/advocates. ANZAC House has contacted all known advocates in the RSL NSW network to request that they also provide this letter. If your sub-Branch has not provided a Letter of Authority to an advocate providing advocacy services through the sub-Branch, they will need this letter before providing further advocacy services to veterans. A template Letter of Authority can be found here

Further information about VITA, its terms and conditions, obligations and requirements can be found at

If you have any questions regarding VITA insurance, please contact the RSL NSW Member Support Team at or 1300 679 775.