Post-service careers

Ben Francis
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5 tips for getting a job after Defence

The RSL Employment Program helps veterans and their partners get a job in the civilian world –...
Narrabri RSL sub-Branch President Nicole Gallagher
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How Nicole Gallagher pushes new boundaries | RSL NSW

Nicole Gallagher was among the first women to join HMAS Canberra – and to have a child while...
Kehani McMillan in the spotlight: A veteran’s life comes full circle
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Kehani McMillan in the spotlight: A veteran’s life comes full circle

What began as a gap year became a career-defining journey for former Navy marine technician Kehani...
Access free online health, wellbeing, and transition programs
Why Ross Edwards and Michael Borg have continued their service outside Defence
How the RSL Employment Program helps veterans and partners thrive in a civilian career
RSL NSW funding sends veterans on life-changing Kokoda journey | RSL NSW
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RSL NSW funding sends veterans on life-changing Kokoda journey | RSL NSW

Four veterans share how a journey along the Kokoda Track has improved their mental wellbeing and...
Marc Mathews on connecting veterans with the support and services they need
How RSL NSW is supporting veterans in the fire and rescue community
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How RSL NSW is supporting veterans in the fire and rescue community

With the re-establishment of the NSW Fire Brigades RSL sub-Branch, serving and former Defence...
Meet two new RSL NSW leaders
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Meet two new RSL NSW leaders

New faces in leadership roles across RSL NSW, including new President Mick Bainbridge and Board...
Two RSL NSW members on life in the Reserves
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Two RSL NSW members on life in the Reserves

Victor Guevara and John Catterson share their experiences balancing life in and out of the Army...
What I wish I’d known: Barton Green
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What I wish I’d known: Barton Green

Army veteran and MBA candidate Barton Green shares why he decided to head to university after...
Justin Donnelly’s new civilian career
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Justin Donnelly’s new civilian career

How former Army psychological examiner Justin Donnelly empowers veterans in his new career.
Meet the compensation advocates changing the lives of veterans
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Meet the compensation advocates changing the lives of veterans

How compensation advocates Kerrie Lees and Bill Forsbey support veterans and their families with...
What I wish I’d known: Dr Jodie Lording
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What I wish I’d known: Dr Jodie Lording

Dr Jodie Lording shares what she wishes she’d known about her extensive career within and outside...
Infographic: Why I became a veterans’ advocate
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