Circular 17/23 Announcing ‘Ask ANZAC House’

It is the primary objective of RSL NSW to serve and support its members. Providing accurate, relevant and timely information is essential to achieving this, and ANZAC House is committed to providing complete transparency in all communications.

To assist with achieving this objective, ANZAC House has added a new communications channel.

The President, CEO, and Leadership Team will host a monthly, virtual Q&A forum called ‘Ask ANZAC House’ which is open to all members.

What is the purpose of the event? 

Ask ANZAC House is a forum for all RSL NSW members to ask the President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, State Secretary, Head of Legal and Compliance, Head of Communications, Marketing & Membership, and Strategic Plan Program Manager (Leadership Team) questions about the RSL NSW Strategic Plan, sub-Branch related matters or anything pertaining to RSL NSW membership.

Who will and can attend? 

The President, CEO and Leadership Team (or delegates) will be present to share key information with any RSL NSW member who wishes to attend. District Council delegates and sub-Branch Office Bearers are particularly encouraged to attend.

When will the meetings take place? 

The first session will be held on Wednesday 19 April from 1pm – 2pm via a Microsoft Teams live event. Please click on this link to join. The event will not commence until 1pm but we recommend preparing to join the meeting 15 minutes in advance to allow for any technical difficulties.

Subsequent meeting dates and times for 2023 are as follows:

  • 17 May: 6pm – 7pm
  • 21 June: 1pm – 2pm
  • 19 July: 6pm – 7pm
  • 16 August: 1pm – 2pm
  • 20 September: 6pm – 7pm
  • 18 October: 1pm – 2pm
  • 15 November: 6pm – 7pm

Please mark these dates and times in your calendar.

If you are unable to attend the event but would like to ask a question, please email and, where possible, your questions will be raised at the meeting. Recordings of the forum will be published in the sub-Branch Portal and will be circulated via relevant member channels.

How do I join the Q&A forum each month?  

Simply click on this link (the link will be effective for every meeting) then either:

  • Sign in if you already have Microsoft Teams installed,
  • Select ‘Download the Windows app,’ or
  • Select ‘Watch on the web instead.’

Please note, you do not need to download Microsoft Teams software to join the event.

For more information, learn how to join a Microsoft Teams live event here, or seek assistance from your District Council representatives or the Member Support Team.

How do I ask questions? 

In Microsoft Teams live events, there is a Q&A pane which can be accessed by clicking on the speech bubble icon in the top banner of the screen. Type your question in the compose box located at the bottom of the pane and click on send. For a more detailed explanation, please click here.

You can also click on the ‘raise hand’ symbol and the meeting presenter will unmute you to enable you to ask your question. You can find more information on how to do this here. Ideally questions will be raised via the Q&A pane to increase the likelihood of all questions being addressed.

Will this replace other communications from ANZAC House? 

No, this event will be held in addition to regular communications in the form of Circulars, the Board Communique, standalone emails, the Reveille and the monthly e-Newsletter.

How will members find out about this event? 

ANZAC House will include an invitation to the event in the Reveille e-Newsletter each month. In the meantime, please advise members when they attend meetings, in your sub-Branch newsletters, and via all other communication platforms including social media.

It is hoped that this forum will prove to be an effective collaboration and communication tool for ANZAC House and RSL NSW members. For more information, please contact your Member Support Team at or on 1300 679 775.