ANZAC Day Commemoration Service
Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park
Thursday 25 April, 12:30pm
1300 679 775
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The ANZAC Day Commemoration Service is held at the Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park, adjacent to the Pool of Reflection, commencing at 12.30pm.
This service has developed into an impressive dedication, attended by the Governor of New South Wales, Premier of New South Wales, Leader of the Opposition, senior service representatives, invited guests and members of the community.
In recent years a United Drumhead Service has been introduced, provided by cadets from The Scots College. The service is supported by the NSW Police Concert Band and The Scots College Pipes and Drums.
This service is open for the public to attend. Accessible seating and limited seating for the public is available in the marquee on the western side (Elizabeth Street) of the Anzac Memorial.