Burwood RSL Subbranch ANZAC Day 2024 Commemoration
Burwood War Memorial Arch, Burwood NSW, Australia
6:20 am
Friday 25 April
Following the service there is a free breakfast from 7.45am in the Entertainment dome of Burwood RSL Club Ltd, 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood. Buses available to run from the Dawn Service area in Burwood Park to Burwood RSL Club Ltd.
Church Street, Burwood NSW, Australia
6:00 am
Friday 25 April
March assembles in Church St., Burwood about 5.45am . then lead by Burwood RSL Subbranch Pipes & Drums turns into Burwood Rd & marches dow to The Memorial Arch in Burwood Park. The Dawn Service commences at the Arch at 6.30am.
Burwood War Memorial Arch, Burwood NSW, Australia
6:30 am
Friday 25 April
Seating available beside the Memorial Arch & main Dawn service commences 6.30am with the Trinity Grammer Cadet Unit Cataflaque Party mounting the Memorial. Service finishes about 7.30am