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“You have to be optimistic”: With the Royal Commission ending, how should the ESO sector respond?
5 mental health tips for veterans and their families
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5 mental health tips for veterans and their families

A range of practical ways that veterans and their family members can address mental health,...
RSL Monitoring Possible Gaza War Graves Damage
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RSL Monitoring Possible Gaza War Graves Damage

The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) is monitoring possible damage to Australian graves...
Why Ross Edwards and Michael Borg have continued their service outside Defence
“All your Christmases at once”: Everyman's Welfare Service receives funding via RSL NSW Veteran Support Fund
Veterans' Policy and Advocacy Update - July 2024
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Veterans' Policy and Advocacy Update - July 2024

A new MEAO memorial and the Royal Commission’s lived-experience book 
Experts Question Defence Priorities & Preparedness
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Experts Question Defence Priorities & Preparedness

Leading Defence experts have questioned Australia’s preparedness to fulfil our international...
Broad Support for New Veterans’ Entitlements Bill
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Broad Support for New Veterans’ Entitlements Bill

The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has given its broad support to the Government’s...
Royal Commission: Veterans and families share their lived experiences in new report
Hobart Cenotaph Sacred Site Must be Protected
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Hobart Cenotaph Sacred Site Must be Protected

The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) says the Hobart Cenotaph is a sacred site for...
RSL Anger at Further Desecration at War Memorial
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RSL Anger at Further Desecration at War Memorial

The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has expressed its anger and condemnation at the...
School students show support for young veterans via Postcards of Honour
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School students show support for young veterans via Postcards of Honour

Young veterans are front and centre of the Postcards of Honour program, coordinated by RSL...
Photo essay: Middle East Area of Operations Commemoration 2024
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Photo essay: Middle East Area of Operations Commemoration 2024

Highlights from an inaugural commemoration service for veterans of 21st-century conflicts, and why...
Two veterans on the life-affirming power of City2Surf
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Two veterans on the life-affirming power of City2Surf

Participating in City2Surf as part of the RSL NSW team has inspired Noel Bottrell and Alexandra...
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