Sport & Recreation Program - Funding Application Form This funding application is related to RSL NSW Sport & Recreation Activities, delivered by RSL NSW sub-Branches. Sub-Branch (start typing sub-Branch name and select from list) Your Name Your Name is required Official sub-Branch email Address ( Official sub-Branch email Address ( is required and must be valid Contact Number Contact Number is required What is the total amount of funding that the sub-Branch requires for this activity? What is the total amount of funding that the sub-Branch requires for this activity? is required Please provide an overview of the Sport & Recreation activity that your sub-Branch is implementing and how you are promoting the event to members and the wider veteran community? Please include details about how you're working with other sub-Branches in your District to deliver this activity, if applicable. Please provide an overview of the Sport & Recreation activity that your sub-Branch is implementing and how you are promoting the event to members and the wider veteran community? Please include details about how you're working with other sub-Branches in your District to deliver this activity, if applicable. is required Attach a supporting document related to your request (i.e., quotes) Choose file Uploading ... I confirm the following... My sub-Branch is registered to participate in the Sport & Recreation Program. My sub-Branch has reviewed the Sport & Recreation Funding Overview document on the Sport & Recreation Resources page to ensure my request meets the guidelines. My sub-Branch needs financial support to facilitate the activity(s) proposed in our request. My sub-Branch activities will be posted in the RSL NSW Sport & Recreation calendar to ensure the wider veteran community and their families can attend. My sub-Branch will use social media to promote and post photos of the activity media. (Applicable if the sub-Branch has social media accounts) My sub-Branch will provide a post-activity summary via the form provided on the SRP Resources webpage within 2-4 weeks of activity completion stating how the funding was used and the outcomes of the activity(s). This summary will include photos and/or quotes from participants when applicable. Submit Thank you for submitting your form. This message is confirmation that it has been received by ANZAC House. Please email if you have any enquiries. Unfortunately there was an error with the submission, please try again later. There are issues with your submission, please check all required fields and try again.