Video: RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration

The RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration for 2021 has been held virtually due to the ongoing health pandemic, which has allowed students from across the entire state to honour the service and sacrifice of our servicemen and women.

You can watch this service online here. To watch with closed captions, click here.

The RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration is coordinated by RSL NSW, the NSW Department of Education, Catholic Schools NSW and the NSW Association of Independent Schools.

The Commemoration Service has been held annually in NSW since 1953 (excluding 2020). Usually, schools from all sectors are invited to participate and lay a floral tribute during the Service at the Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park.

The service is for students by students. Historically over 100 schools, with up to 1,500 students and teachers have attended this Commemoration annually.

This year’s service has interactive components, including students from several schools leading different elements of the service. RSL NSW President Ray James provides closing remarks.

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