​Statement from RSL NSW Chair, Louise Sullivan

It is with deep disappointment that I address the misleading and divisive portrayal of RSL NSW in the article published today by the Sydney Morning Herald. This narrative not only undermines the dedication of our members and leaders but also distracts from our primary mission — to support veterans and their families. 

The RSL NSW Board, including its volunteer veteran directors, is committed to serving the veteran community. We remain steadfast in ensuring that the League operates with the highest standards of governance, integrity, and transparency. It is precisely through good governance that RSL NSW can deliver real outcomes for our veterans, ensuring they receive the care, respect, and opportunities they deserve. 

It is a complete failure of governance and integrity by those involved to release untested allegations as outlined in today’s article into the public domain before RSL NSW’s strong governance process for investigating complaints was complete. I question the motivation of those responsible when the focus of RSL NSW has been on responding to the findings of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. The reasons for doing so could be seen to undermine the opportunity for a thorough and proper investigation of those allegations and to damage the reputation of those accused, potentially driven by motives not in the best interests of RSL NSW, or the support of veterans.  

Any allegation must and will be thoroughly investigated – testing these allegations’ veracity is in the best interests of the parties involved and RSL NSW. I have received overwhelming support for our President and the director involved and expressions of anger from the membership at how this situation has unfolded. Public attacks, such as this, have no place in our RSL and veterans deserve better. 

I accepted the Board’s offer to take on the position of Chair in June this year as I believe in the vision that our President has for RSL NSW to continue to modernise and remain relevant to the veteran community. Mick’s personal experience in the Australian Defence Force, and his honesty and transparency in his role as President, and his preparedness to be open about his service injuries, affords him unparalleled insight into the unique challenges faced by veterans and their families, and he is fiercely passionate about advocating for his community. His leadership and dedication to his volunteer role are invaluable, and his commitment to our purpose and values has made a positive impact on the League. 

No director of RSL NSW is above investigation, however, I want to make it clear that, in fairness to all parties that may be involved in any such process, I will not tolerate any person being publicly vilified on confidential matters that are untested and have not been afforded due process, operational procedure, and dignity. I urge media outlets to engage in responsible reporting that highlights the work being done to safeguard veterans’ rights and services, rather than sensationalising allegations that have not been proven.  

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