RSL LifeCare Veteran Services Oct – Dec 2022 update


RSL LifeCare Veteran Services continues to provide critical support to hundreds of veterans and their families.

Between October and December 2022, RSL LifeCare Veteran Services was able to:

  • Provide $147,706 in financial assistance including $99,000 in disaster assistance to a total of 69 veterans and families
  • Assist 61 veterans experiencing homelessness
  • Help 304 veterans to lodge 1289 DVA claims
  • Facilitate 85 veterans or partners access to employment support and employment training opportunities
  • Make 41 virtual or socially distanced visits to veterans and family members at homes, hospitals or nursing homes
  • Lodge 31 new Veterans’ Review Board (VRB) appeals, complete 83 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mediation discussions and represent 10 full VRB Hearings
  • Guide 20 veterans through horse handling and riding courses.
If you or someone you know are in need of assistance, get in touch with the RSL LifeCare Wellbeing Support team.