RSL Condemns Protesters Desecration of Shrine

The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has condemned the actions of the Melbourne protesters who occupied the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne.

RSL Australia President Greg Melick said the protestors’ actions in effectively occupying a war memorial to promote their political views are a disgrace to the nation and must be condemned in the strongest manner.

“The Shrine of Remembrance honours those who have served and made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and the protesters’ actions are nothing short of desecration of this revered site,” Greg Melick said.

“Those involved in this lawless mob not only dishonour the men and women who fought and died for our country, they shame themselves, their families and all those involved in the protest.

“Places of memorial like Melbourne’s Shrine should never ever be used as a location for protests.

“The RSL condemns the selfish behaviour of the protestors in the strongest possible terms, coming at a time when everyone across the nation should be working together to overcome the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Greg Melick said.

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