RSL Anger at Further Desecration at War Memorial

Media Release RSL Australia

The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has expressed its anger and condemnation at the latest desecration of the Vietnam War Memorial in Canberra.

Pro-Palestine graffiti was painted on the War Memorial in the nation’s capital overnight.

RSL National President Greg Melick says this latest desecration of the nation’s sacred places by these cowardly vandals is deplorable and the perpetrators should face the full force of the law.

“Our War Memorials honour those who have sacrificed to protect and preserve the freedoms that all Australians enjoy and the daubing of protest slogans is nothing short of despicable,” he said.

“It is dishonorable in the extreme to use War Memorials as a platform for protest.

“The RSL trusts that the cowards and vandals, who sneak around under the cover of darkness, and are responsible for this damage, will be apprehended and receive the strongest appropriate punishment from the courts.

“That is what all fair-minded Australians would expect.”

Greg Melick said people are entitled to protest, but the defilement of memorials to those who served, suffered and died in the service of the Australian nation does absolutely nothing to advance the vandals’ cause.

“They are desecrating the memory of those who served and sacrificed to give them the right to protest, a right that does not exist in many other countries. Australians should exercise that right responsibly and with respect,” he said.

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