Member Newsletter – 29 June 2020


Dear members,


Membership Queries

  • New member cards: The cards have been ordered and are currently under production. We anticipate they will be at your sub-Branch in July. Please note that the card is a permanent card and not an annual card. Once you have received the new card it will not be replaced until it is lost or destroyed. There still seems to be some confusion about this in the network and it would be helpful if sub-Branch secretaries could remind their members of this point. The cards were always slated to be delivered mid-year given the need to verify the membership data from the sub-Branches prior to submitting the order. There has been a slight delay in this process due to the various impacts of COVID-19, however the cards will be couriered to every sub-Branch as soon as possible. As we are couriering the cards, we cannot issue them to a PO Box. Those sub-Branches who list a PO Box as their mail address will have the cards delivered to the honorary secretary’s home address. If this is not convenient, please contact the Support Unit as soon as possible.
  • Invoicing of Capitation Fees: Please note that ANZAC House will now be invoicing sub-Branches twice a year for all capitation fees. This includes renewals, reinstatements and new members. Please do not send any money to ANZAC House for membership until such time as you receive your invoice. If you do send any money for membership outside of the invoicing period, the money will be returned to the sub-Branch. At this stage, invoices will be issued annual in April and October.
  • Sub-Branch access to database: As previously mentioned, ANZAC House has transitioned to a membership database which is hosted by Microsoft Dynamics 365. The outcome of this transition is that each sub-Branch will have access to a portal on the system which will allow them to manage their own membership data. The system also allows for a portal by which individual members can update their own information, including contact details and renewals. Our plan is to train a volunteer in each District Council to help support the sub-Branches in their network with navigating the system. This training has been placed on hold due to COVID-19, however if there is anyone interested in being a DC support person, please make yourself known to your DC secretary or president. We will be contacting the DC with more information on the training program soon.


Lost Mobile Phone

A mobile phone was recently discovered at the Albury Entertainment Centre and the staff there believe the owner was a delegate from the 2019 Annual State Congress. If you or any of your members lost a phone at congress last year and are interested in retrieving it, please contact the Support Unit so the we can return it to you.


New Structure as of 1 July

As members are aware, there has been a significant change to the organisational chart of ANZAC House which will be active as of 1 July. A copy of the new org chart can be found here. This new leaner structure was developed in keeping with the expectation of most members that ANZAC House operate within its means. You will notice that several functions have reduced in team size and some functions are yet to be filled. While this restructure may result in a slightly longer response time to resolve issues, we are still committed to providing sub-Branches and members with the support and guidance they need. As such, it is more important than ever that enquiries into ANZAC House are directed through the Support Unit on 1300 679 775 or


Defence Support for ANZAC Day 2021

The RSM Ceremonial has been in contact with us to remind sub-Branches that their requests for ADF support for their 2021 ANZAC Day Services is due by 1 September 2020. A copy of a letter from the RSM to all sub-Branch presidents can be read here and the application form can be found here.


Victory in the Pacific

2020 marks the 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Pacific. As such RSL NSW will be conducting its annual commemoration service at the Cenotaph whilst still complying with all social distancing requirements. RSL NSW will also be collaborating with other State Branches to actively publicly promote the commemoration of Victory in the Pacific on this 75th anniversary. I assume that many sub-Branches are considering acknowledging this day at their own memorials. This website will provide you with the best information on how to manage the COVID-19 restrictions that may impact such events ( . RSL NSW is also seeking further guidance from the NSW Government to specifically assist with the conduct of commemoration services in the lead-up to VP Day, Vietnam Veterans Day and Remembrance Day. I will circulate this information as soon as it is available.


National VP Day Service

DVA have been in contact with RSL NSW to seek interest from any WWII veteran who would be interested in travelling to the Australian War Memorial for the national VP Day Service and a couple of associated events. DVA will cover the cost of travel and accommodation for interested veterans. If any sub-Branch has a WWII member who they feel is fit enough to attend this event over a couple of days, please contact the Support Unit with their details and we will try and facilitate their attendance.


2020 Annual State Congress and AGM

Continuing with the COVID-19 theme and its impact on our events, and what has been conveyed in last month’s Board Communique’, it is likely that there will be restrictions on the number of people who can attend congress in person this year. I know that many delegates and sub-Branches like to organise their movements around congress well in advance, and as such I would recommend that all travel and accommodation bookings be made with the option of free cancellation if possible. As an example, and based on the current social distancing requirements for functions, I would suggest that it is highly unlikely that the venue would be able to accommodate observers at this year’s meeting.


Veteran Sport Australia

From Monday, 29 June, Veteran Sport Australia will be shifting operations from RSL NSW to become part of the Australian International Military Games (AIMG) which is being acquired by RSL National. You can read more about this change on the Veteran Sport Australia website.


Strategic Plan Consultation for ANZAC House Members

Members who are attached to ANZAC House have been invited to a consultation on the draft Strategic Plan. The consultation will take place at the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park, Sydney on Tuesday, 11 August at 2pm. There are now only 20 places remaining so please register your interest by 31 July by emailing


Thank you for reading,


Jeff O’Brien

State Secretary & GM Member Services

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