The team at ANZAC House includes various roles and functions that work together to provide support and services to sub-Branches, members and the veteran community.
If you need to contact us, there are a number of ways we can help.
General Enquiries
Email: or complete the contact form below
Phone: (02) 9264 8188
Fax: (02) 9264 8466
Address: ANZAC House, Suite 11.02, Level 11, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Sub-Branch and Members
Phone: 1300 679 775 (1300 NSW RSL)
Media Enquiries
For all media enquiries regarding RSL NSW or its sub-Branches, the charity that supports veterans and their families, please contact:
Phone: 0497 555 082
If your media enquiry relates to a club, please contact ClubsNSW on 9268 3000
All advertising enquiries:
Social Media Terms of Use
Read the RSL NSW Social Media Policy.
RSL Clubs
RSL NSW is a member-based charity and does not own or operate clubs in New South Wales or benefits from the proceeds of the sale of alcohol or gambling.
Please follow this link if you have an enquiry that relates to your local RSL club.
RSL Art Union
The RSL Art Union is operated by RSL Queensland. RSL NSW does not benefit from the proceeds of this fundraising. If you have an enquiry about tickets you have purchased, please contact the RSL Art Union on 1300 775 888.
Urgent Eulogies
If you have an urgent eulogy request please email the Department of Defence and include the text URGENT EULOGY and the due date in the subject field.
For more details on eulogies, please visit the Department of Defence website.
Committal of Ashes to Sea, Land or Air
If you would like to request the committal of ashes, please contact the Defence Family Helpline:
- Email:
- Phone: 1800 624 608
Defence Families of Australia will guide you through the process and provide you with the relevant forms.