Using Ingenuity To Commemorate ANZAC Day Differently

ANZAC Day 2020 - ANZAC Spirit

With the restrictions and challenges posed by COVID-19, the RSL has today shared five key ways Australians can commemorate ANZAC Day, both in the lead-up and the day itself, as the community looks for new and different initiatives to honour the service and sacrifice of our brave servicemen and women past and present.

The RSL hopes these suggestions enable all Australians to commemorate in one or multiple ways, not just on ANZAC Day itself, but in its lead-up. Furthermore, the RSL hopes that these suggestions will inspire Australians to continue to develop and share other ideas for commemorating and paying their respects for our ANZACS.


Ways You Can Commemorate ANZAC Day 2020

  1. Be part of the Community Ode – Record a video of yourself reciting The Ode or sharing a message of support for veterans on your social media.Respond “Going” to our ANZAC Day 2020 Facebook event. Then use the hashtags #ANZACspirit and #lightupthedawn and share how you’ll be commemorating privately, as well as who you’ll be remembering this ANZAC Day.
  2. Light up the dawn at 6am on ANZAC Day. Go to the end of your driveway, stand on your balcony or in your loungeroom and listen to a brief commemorative service. Together – even while apart – we’ll remember those who served and sacrificed. You can pledge your support at
  3. Tune into live services and virtual commemorative services. This includes the 5.30am service from the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. There will also be a 10am virtual and streamed service (closed to the public) from the Anzac Memorial in Sydney that will be broadcast live with more details to follow.
  4. Reach out to a mate or veteran who might be alone. Many people are alone during this time of isolation. It’s an opportunity to invoke the ANZAC value of mateship and check to see how a mate is doing. And if you know a veteran please call or reach out to them, check in on them, thank them for their service and help them if needed during this time.
  5. Donate to the ANZAC Appeal online at Donations support Australian veterans and their families in need.

In addition to these five suggestions, the RSL acknowledges the wide variety of other ideas being embraced across the country, many of which originated from passionate everyday Australians keen to demonstrate their ANZAC Spirit on a day that belongs to all Australians.


Ray James, Acting President, RSL NSW:

“There’s no doubt that ANZAC Day 2020 will be very different to ANZAC Days of previous years. While we will not be gathering at services or marches, there are still many ways to acknowledge ANZAC Day and ensure Australian servicemen and women are appropriately remembered.”

“Traditional dawn services and marches are just not possible this year, but as with all other Australians right now, we have to change the way we do things, evolve and make the best of our situation. Nothing can ever take away the importance of ANZAC Day or our values of mateship and camaraderie as we honour our service personnel and show our ANZAC Spirit.”

“Now is the time for all of us to show our ANZAC Spirit, including ingenuity, and we welcome the many and varied ideas that have been embraced by the community. Any activity that respectfully shows commemoration and thanks is most welcome.

“This year, as we cannot come together in person, these activities alongside the many other community-generated initiatives are all ways we can come together in our time of commemoration.”


Media Kit – available HERE

(Includes #lightupthedawn TVC – Community Ode videos – Veteran imagery – Ray James audio files and more)



Editor’s Notes

  • Veteran Stories – We would be happy to facilitate introductions to a range of veterans happy to share their stories of service in the lead-up to ANZAC Day.
  • Light Up The Dawn – for more information on the #ANZACspirit campaign visit
  • ANZAC Appeal – Online donations to support veterans and their families can be made at
  • Community Ode – Participants can use the hashtags #ANZACspirit and #lightupthedawn when sharing videos of themselves reciting the Ode, or any message of support. Participants are also encouraged to post their messages of support to the ANZAC Day 2020 – Light up the dawnevent page.



Media contact: Michael Green – – 0419 432 535

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