Support for Hunter veterans bolstered by RSL LifeCare

Veterans living in Newcastle and across the Hunter are set to benefit from additional face-to-face assistance with Department of Veterans’ Affairs claims and connection to support services.
RSL NSW and its partner charity RSL LifeCare has responded to calls for in-person advocacy assistance for veterans in the region by placing an experienced claims advisor at the RSL NSW sub-Branch facilities at Souths Merewether on a fortnightly basis.
The pilot program will be delivered through RSL LifeCare’s professional claims and wellbeing program, RSL DefenceCare, and is an addition to its on-the-ground presence in the Hunter Region that includes face-to-face services for current Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel at the RAAF Base Williamtown and Lone Pine Barracks Singleton.
RSL LifeCare General Manager Veteran Services, Nicki Young, said the initiative is connected to the organisation’s broader move to re-establish face-to-face services following the move to predominantly online service delivery during the past twelve months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“RSL LifeCare is a charity focused on helping Australian veterans and their families by providing support and wellbeing programs that are veteran-centric and recovery focused.
“I know this service will be welcomed by the many veterans based across the Hunter who are looking for local support from someone who understands the unique needs of veterans and their families.”
RSL NSW sub-Branch President Phil Winney said that the services provided by LifeCare are just one example of how RSL NSW sub-Branches support veterans and their families across Newcastle and the Hunter.
“This pilot program complements the services and support delivered by RSL sub-Branch volunteers who understand the significant demand for Hunter-based support, and we welcome the collaboration with RSL LifeCare,” Mr Winney said.
RSL LifeCare’s veteran services are free of charge to veterans and their families and include assistance with Department of Veterans’ Affairs claims, advocacy at the Veterans’ Review Board, holistic wellbeing assessment and support, an employment program, homelessness assistance and equine therapy.
Hunter-based veterans can book a face-to-face appointment by calling 8088 0388 or by contacting their local RSL NSW sub-Branch.
RSL NSW Media Contact: Trina Constable 0497 555 082 or
Image: Phil Winney, Merewether-Adamstown-Hamilton RSL sub-Branch President; Nicki Young, General Manager Veteran Services RSL LifeCare; Jon Black, RSL NSW CEO; Peter Green, Newcastle RSL sub-Branch President