Message from State Council

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Dear Honorary Secretary,

RSL NSW State Council met on 13 December 2018 to consider the results of the Extraordinary Congress vote and the member’s answers to the research questions posed at the end of Congress. The decisiveness of the vote against the constitution motion and subsequent answers to feedback questions made it quite clear where our membership stands. State Council was committed to bringing a new constitution for your consideration in 2018 and we thank the Constitutional Panel for their hard work to help us get something on the table. This work has given us a strong foundation for further consultation with members.


Next steps

At our meeting on 13 December, State Council agreed that changes needed to be made and that members need to be consulted more thoroughly regarding these changes. Consequently, it was decided that Social Ventures Australia (SVA carried out strategic planning work previously) would be appointed as an independent consultant to liaise with as many sub-Branches and members as possible during the next couple of months.

By the end of January, we expect to have the suggested changes included in a survey that will be distributed to all sub-Branches to take to their February meetings for feedback. While the survey will give members the opportunity to provide feedback, sub-Branches that wish to make individual or collective submissions on issues that affect them are welcome to do so. It would be helpful if those submissions are received by the end of February 2019.

Submissions received and survey results will be published on the RSL NSW website. There will also be a summary of the issues raised and State Council’s response to each.

The results of the survey and further changes – if necessary – will be included in a revised draft constitution to be delivered by early April for consideration by members leading up to the vote at Albury in May.

As you are no doubt aware, the RSL NSW Act was proclaimed on 31 December 2018 and as a result, your State Council is now the RSL NSW Board. All future correspondence from the State Council will be from the RSL NSW Board.

Yours sincerely,

Ray James
Acting State President

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