Free Hearing Check for Veterans

RSL NSW has partnered with Hearing Australia to raise awareness about the free hearing checks available for veterans. Early detection and intervention are key to preventing hearing loss and getting a hearing check can ensure veterans receive the care they deserve.

Book your FREE appointment with Hearing Australia today here or call 134 432. You can also find a hearing check event near you here.

The average person waits around seven years to address hearing loss1, but delaying treatment can lead to significant consequences including social isolation and loneliness. Hearing Australia recommends veterans get a hearing check every three years, after the age of 50. Or, if there are noticeable changes, such as difficulty understanding conversations or needing to turn up the volume on the TV or phone, schedule a hearing check immediately.

For over 75 years, Hearing Australia has been providing hearing services to veterans, helping you stay connected to what matters most.

  • Hearing Australia have been caring for our veterans since 1947.
  • Hearing Australia offer free 15-minute hearing checks* for adults and eligible pensioners pay $0 for fully-subsidised hearing aids* under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
  • Easy access to services with 180+ permanent locations and hundreds of visiting sites across Australia.
  • Experienced and certified clinicians with every Hearing Australia clinician clinically certified and accredited by a professional body.
  • Hearing Australia take the time to undertake comprehensive assessments to understand you and your hearing needs, to ensure the provision of the right solution for you.
  • Hearing Australia care for all Australians and is the country’s largest provider of government-funded hearing services.
  • A great range of discreet hearing devices and your satisfaction is ensured with a 55-day money-back guarantee.
  • The Hearing Australia Bus makes getting a hearing check even easier with our fleet of buses that can come to a branch near you

Hearing connects us to the world around us, so don’t miss your chance to check in on your hearing health.

Don’t delay and book now for your FREE appointment with Hearing Australia today here or call 134 432. You can also find a hearing check event near you here.

1 Economics, Access. The economic impact and cost of hearing loss in Australia. s.l. : Access Economics Pty Ltd, 2006

*Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program, to which conditions apply. A hearing check is a screening that helps identify people that may have hearing loss. 

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