Draft Constitution – Are We Being Heard?

Draft Constitution - Are We Being Heard

Following the first round of feedback, we take a moment to help answer some questions that have been received. Today – ‘Why is the constitution important and are our voices being heard?’

Here is Paul Naylor, President of Monaro and Far South Coast District Council and President of Narooma RSL sub-Branch.

Video Transcript

I am Paul Naylor and I am the President of Narooma RSL sub-Branch, also the district president of the Monaro and Far South Coast District Council.

The importance of it today and being able to sit down and discuss what’s in this new constitution is critical to the way the league is going to run. Because this is the first time that the board has listened to the members and what the sub-Branches are saying. Before, I think, they only got lip service but now this is critical for the success of the constitution.

You’ve got to discuss it, you’ve got to debate it, you’ve got to look at the good points, the bad points, you got to drag it out. And, unless you do have robust is bait that doesn’t happen, but you must need it to make sure everybody is happy with the outcome.

What is being brought up today, for and against, is what the members are being upset and now it’s been refined so this goes to the final document.

We got to move along with the times, the laws change, different things change, the charity’s acts have changed… We’ve got to keep up with those laws and that’s why the constitution has to change. That’s why we got into trouble last time because the constitution and the information past on to the sub-Branches wasn’t correct.

The difference from last time to now is the approach of management. They’ve brought us together to sit down and listened to what we have said. We have documented things before and said it, nothing has been done about it! So, that’s the big difference, the approach to them selling this new constitution. I don’t think there’s been a lot of radical changes, I think there’s just been refinement. And, in the language that we want to accept, and we can understand. I think that, that’s the big thing, the way that it’s being told and the refinement of the document.

I am quite confident that this new constitution will lead us for probably the next 75 to 100 years, and just let them know that we are confident because their voice has been heard.

The state board has listened to us, they’ve listened to the District Council Seven and they have implemented what the District Council Seven and what the District Council Presidents have put in and that is the document that is going to come out. I really hope they support it!

We have got to be able get back and do what we do, look after veterans, and unless we have got a constitution to work by, we can’t do it.

Read more about the draft constitution or watch other videos in this series.

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