Budget Must Provide Funding for Ongoing Veteran Welfare and Balanced Defence Force – RSL

Media Release by RSL Australia
The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) says the forthcoming Federal Budget must provide funding for the continued implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, as well as resources to ensure a balanced Australian Defence Force (ADF).
In its submission to the Government, the RSL says the 2025-26 Budget presents the Australian Government with an opportunity to build on its positive initial response to the Royal Commission, to fully and sustainably fund the recommendations contained in the final report.
It says it is also vital that the Government commits to providing increased resources for the ADF to ensure it has the human and equipment capability to meet all current and possible future contingencies.
RSL Australia National President Greg Melick said the League was encouraged by the Government’s earlier funding commitments to support implementation of the interim recommendations of the Royal Commission, including the commitment to harmonise veteran compensation and rehabilitation legislation, to significantly boost Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) staffing and ICT infrastructure, while investing in veteran housing and specialist housing services.
“The RSL supports all 122 recommendations made in the Royal Commission’s final report handed down in September last year and calls on the Government to maintain the momentum gained across the three years of the Commission’s deliberations, to enact long-lasting and enduring reforms,” Greg Melick said.
“The 2025-26 Budget presents the Australian Government with an opportunity to build on the past year and demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the health and wellbeing of veterans,” he said.
To uphold Australia’s commitment to support veterans and their families to live and age well after their military careers, the RSL submission advocates for necessary budgetary provisions in five priority areas:
- Implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission, including the establishment of an appropriately funded and resourced peak body for ex-service organisations, dedicated wellbeing services and support, and the establishment of a well-thought-out statutory oversight entity.
- Improvements in advocacy training and development through the establishment of the Institute of Veterans’ Advocates.
- Improved access to healthcare for veterans and their families, including a review of the DVA fee schedule to meet the current costs of health services and greater awareness of trauma-informed care delivery.
- Sustained investment in the Department of Veterans Affairs to safeguard the health and wellbeing of veterans and their families into the future and a permanent funding line for Veterans’ Hubs.
- Increased funding for recruitment and equipment to ensure expansion and maintenance of a balanced defence force capable of meeting current and future requirements. The RSL contends that this is necessary and superior to the current piecemeal focus-force approach with its inherent risks due to a lack of capability in key areas particularly in the Army which has been the forefront in armed conflicts and disaster relief. Australia requires a sustainable and balanced army, navy and air force.
Greg Melick said the RSL acknowledged the Government’s actions taken to date to improve the lives of serving personnel, veterans and their families including funding and legislative changes.
“To this end, it is imperative that the Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 remains at the forefront of the Senate’s business in February 2025 and is passed as a matter of priority.
“It has often been said that it is the duty of all Australians to repay the service and commitment of the nation’s veterans and the RSL maintains that investing in veterans and their families is a sound investment for all Australians.
“We call on the Government to both repay the commitment of veterans and simultaneously uphold the best interests of all Australians by ensuring the 2025-26 Budget includes appropriate provisions for veterans and their families,” Greg Melick said.
For more information visit RSL Australia here.